SEO/Web Development Case Studies
Search engine optimization (SEO) is not a one time thing – rather, it’s a process that needs to be worked at constantly. While ensuring a website is optimized for search engines when it is designed and launched is extremely important, it is also critical to constantly monitor and work on maintaining and improving search engine results. You need to stay ahead of your competition. Sooner or later, your competition will be working on improving their rankings in the search engines.
We’ve been providing SEO for over almost two decades and know what works, what doesn’t work (there are some techniques that might provide short term results but ultimately have your website banned from Google), and how to maintain top rankings for important search terms. Here’s a few examples of what we can do. If your website could use a search engine tuneup, give us a call at 519-940-3504 in Orangeville, ON or email [email protected].
Here’s a few examples of how we’ve helped some clients: