Bad Bots! Why Your Website Should Have Protection Against Them

Bad Bots! But Not The Russian Sort If you’ve paid attention to the media and politics recently, you’ve probably heard about allegations of bots – Russian bots specifically, that apparently exist to influence US (and now the upcoming Canadian) elections. We here have no opinion on these types of bots, that may affect Twitter and…

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Time To Get That SSL Certificate And Move To HTTPS

If you’re serious about your business, you’re probably serious about your website (or you should be). And that means you really need to be thinking about migrating your website to the SSL protocol instead of the “regular” http. Google has been hinting for some time now that in their opinion, SSL is extremely important for…

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Google Chrome & SSL Security

About a year ago, we told you about we told you about Google’s addition to their Web Master Guidelines, recommending that all websites move to the SSL (https) protocol for the sake of security and privacy of internet users.  One of the questions back then was whether this would affect search engine rankings negatively or…

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SEO And SSL: Our Own Case Study

For some time now, Google have been recommending that websites use the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol if at all possible. As we discussed earlier in our article entitled “Webmaster Guidelines And SSL,” there are two protocols that websites can run on: Regular unencrypted HTTP, and encrypted HTTPS over SSL. Briefly, HTTPS or SSL creates…

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Webmaster Guidelines And SSL

A couple of days ago about January 27th, 2016, Google made some big changes to it’s Webmaster Guidelines. Google has published guidelines for many years and once in awhile, has made some minor updates to them. This latest revision is perhaps the biggest since it first came out with guidelines for webmasters. There’s actually quite…

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Should You Buy A WordPress Theme?

Recently, with lots of marketing being done by theme creators and sellers, there’s been some questions about the idea of purchasing a WordPress theme to either create a new website or revamp an existing one. The idea of being able to purchase a “theme” and have a brand new website with just a few clicks…

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Reputation Management, Social Media & SEO

Some of the differences between reputation management, social meda promotion, and search engine optimization… and how they can be tied in together: Introduction The internet today has evolved into the #1 marketing and business development platform. Almost no business can grow and succeed without a strong internet presence in their market. Even small businesses such…

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Why You Need Social Media & Local Marketing

While the principles of business have not changed, our ways of doing business including getting and retaining new customers certainly have changed over the years. While there are some businesses that have been able to survive and prosper without having much of an online presence, it is likely that in the coming few years, this…

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“SEO Is Dead,” Some Claim

Recently, I noticed a “tweet” on Twitter from a marketing “guru,” who announced that search engine optimization was “dead.” The so called guru linked to an article wherein he wrote that backlinking was no longer a viable activity and as a result, agencies that provided search engine optimization were about to close their doors and…

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