New Servers Almost Ready

April 25, 2014

After lots of testing, installing, hardening and configuration, the new email and web servers are almost fully ready for implementation and going live. Installing a new server is often time consuming and there are always some “gotcha’s” that need to be worked out. Planning ahead certainly helps to minimize mistakes or configuration changes, but it seems as if no matter how much planning you do, something gets missed!

We’ll be slowly migrating websites and email accounts and doing extensive testing to ensure nothing gets missed before putting everything live. We’ll likely have some work to do over the weekend and looking at the weather forecast for Orangeville, ON shows that it won’t be all that pleasant outdoors – so some indoors work and getting this done will be the priority.

Most of our clients should experience seamless service during the migration and upgrades – and many of you will experience some improved speed and performance. If you do experience any issues, please give us a call at (519) 940-3504. You may get the voice mail depending on how deep we are into working on something, but we’ll get back to you asap. Of course, you can always send an email too.

For us, having a new server is sometimes almost as exciting as a child with a new toy! We get to experience the awesome performance upgrades immediately as some of our own tasks get completed much faster with more processing speed available. But we’re not just playing around with the new toy, either! 🙂 Lots of work gets done, ensuring configuration files are correctly edited and lots of testing goes on to ensure the service to our end users is with little, if any, interruption.

If you do experience any, it should be for a very short time and our apologies in advance. We’re looking forward to having this all completed ourselves and getting back to some web development work that is on our list, as well.

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