Password Safe – Manage Your Passwords
Recently, one of our clients was bemoaning the fact that he had to keep track of so many passwords that it was “overtaking his life” as he put it. He wasn’t sure how to manage them all, and of course, using the same password for all your websites, email accounts and banking information is not a good idea. In fact, sometimes there are different password requirements – there are times when a website may require a password that includes special characters, numbers, and both upper and lowercase letters, while other websites won’t recognize special characters in a password.
Many people deal with this in different ways including using a spreadsheet to store their username and password information, or writing them down on slips of paper. Both of these methods have their own issues and security problems and it can be very annoying if you lose or misplace the slip of paper you wrote the information on.
Some years ago, security expert, Bruce Schneier tackled the problem and developed “Password Manager,” an open source application that helps you with your password and username management. Once installed, all you need to do is remember one password to open the application, and then store your usernames and passwords in its database. Available for Windows users, it’s safe, small, and secure and will make your life easier in regard to remembering passwords.
Password Safe has been released under the Artistic Licence and is free and open source. It does not contain any adware or malware and is also available in a number of languages including:
- Czech
- Danish
- Dutch
- English
- French
- German
- Italian
- Korean
- Polish
- Russian
- Simplified Chinese
- Spanish
- Swedish
- Turkish
In addition to being available for Windows users, there are also versions for Android and I-Phones. A Linux version is presently being developed and available in beta format.
If you are like many people that have problems keeping track of your passwords and are looking for a secure way of storing them, Password Safe is highly recommended.
The website with download link is here:
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