Bing To Roll Out Mobile Friendly Algorithm
We told you back on March 23, 2015 that Google was planning a major update to their search algorithm to favour mobile friendly websites. The new algorithm rolled out on April 21st and since then, many websites that did not implement mobile friendly design elements found themselves having lost a lot of ground in Google’s mobile search rankings.
Bing has now announced that they too will be adding mobile friendliness to their search engine rankings. However, they haven’t provided a date but instead say, “We expect to start rolling out mobile friendliness ranking changes in the coming months.”
The announcement from Bing seems to indicate that they will still value content over mobile friendliness, but that user experience on a mobile device will be an important ranking factor. Compatibility will be very important with Bing specifically noting that Flash does not work on iOS devices. We’ve been saying that for years – if you use a lot of Flash on your website, you need to reconsider – not just for search engine optimization, but for a good user experience on mobile devices.
We know that there are still a number of web developers that are trying to push Flash but in the long run, we think this is a foolhardy product to be promoting.
Your website should be responsive moving forward, or you’re likely going to lose both traffic – and sales – if it is not.
Give us a call (519) 940-3504 and talk to us about how we can help you with your present website. Find out more about web design and development services.