Domain Notification Scam
Some of our clients recently have been receiving emails from an email address which usually ends with where xxxx is a four digit number. Sometimes, the four digit number right before the .com is 5501 and today we noticed one of these emails where the domain name ended with the number
The emails arrive with the Subject Line have all been along the style of “Domain Notification: (Name of Registrant) This Is Your Final Notice Of Domain Listing (Domain Name).”
The body of the email claims to be a “DOMAIN NOTICE SERVICE” and have fooled some of our clients into wondering if they were domain name renewal notices.
What they are is basically spam email requesting a fee to submit the website to search engines. Whether they actually carry through with this is not known however there is no need in this day and age to submit sites to search engines. The email however claims, “Failure to complete your Domain name search engine registration by the expiration date may result in cancellation of this offer making it difficult for your customers to locate you on the web.”
Paying an organization like this 75.00 or more to submit your domain to search engines will not make it any easier for customers to locate you on the web. While there are indeed legitimate methods to help both present and potential customers and clients to find you, this is not one of them.
Don’t allow yourself to be scammed by these emails. If you do want some help with SEO and Local Search, we can help you with that, but it’s much more than simply “submitting to search engines.”
What Should I Do If I Receive This Notification?
Delete it. Don’t reply to it. Definitely do not print it off and fill in the information along with your credit card and then fax to the number (1-716-650-4815) they request.
It is a good practice to never reply to any spam email whatsoever.
If the spam has links in them, don’t even click on them to see what they might be about. Just delete the whole thing to your trash and spend your time on more useful things.