Traveling To Greece? Stay Away From Wind Internet Is Our Advice
Generally, we don’t like to bash individual businesses or companies – we know mistakes can be made, but in the case of Wind Hellas (Wind Telephone & Internet in Greece), we feel compelled to warn people who might be traveling to this beautiful country to completely stay away from Wind. To be blunt:
- They are dishonest.
- They are undependable.
- Their business practices are absurd
- They are non-responsive.
Our experience has been so bad with Wind Hellas, that we think it is the only responsible thing to do: Warn others of the experience and to be extremely cautious about having this company provide you with services. There are obvious systemic issues at this company – individual employees are probably good people, but there is a lot of rot deep within it. Honestly, they would not last very long in a market such as North America; in either Canada or the USA.
We’ve done business over the years in many countries, and while we understand that Greece has its own political issues as far as starting, owning, and operating a business (the World Bank has Greece listed way down at number 72 – not very good for a country that wants to be considered “first world” as even Rwanda ranks significantly ahead of Greece) here is hard, there is absolutely excuse for the way Wind Hellas operates. Perhaps Greeks are used to this kind of treatment so put up with it or generally think, “what to do? Nothing can be done,” – which is a horrible psychology to have.
Many foreign businesses, both big and small, are absolutely not used to the type of business practices that Wind Hellas has engaged in with us. And to be frank, we won’t put up with it. Not only foreign businesses but individuals from other countries. And if Wind does not want to or has any incentive to improve, then others coming to Greece need to be warned about this horrible company.
Wind Hellas Is Dishonest
When we attended at the Nea Ionia office of Wind Hellas, we were clearly told we’d have telephone and internet “within two weeks.” It was clearly stated by the Wind representative that we spoke with and who signed us up. It was partially because of this promise, that we did sign up. For us, a two week period was reasonable and doable.
Now, Wind Hellas is advising us that they reserve some right to install phone lines within four weeks. But that is not what we were told or lead to believe. And this has been explained to Wind, at various levels including at their Nea Ionia office and to their official telephone customer service line.
Indeed, the first time we called to cancel, this was not brought up (that there was some four weeks of waiting time we were required to endure), rather the Wind Hellas representative attempted to blame Cosmote for the delay (they did not have service to us within the promised two weeks), apologised and noted our cancellation request. At no time did he mention that there was some obligation for us to continue in a contract for services we have not yet even received, but were promised. How illogical and insane is that, in the first place?
Wind Hellas Is Undependable
Not only did they not install service within the time frame that they promised, they kept us waiting for two full days but never showed up.
Wind Hellas Are No Shows Three Times
On the evening of June 29th, we received a text message from Wind Hellas that clearly states that a rep would be coming by on Monday, July 1st and that we should be available to grant them access if needed. They expected the name to be on the doorbell.
We canceled all our plans for that date in order to be available when Wind Hellas showed up. We were a little disappointed that they did not provide us a range of time that they might attend, and by around mid-morning, thought we should call the office where we had signed up to see if they might have a clearer idea of a time when they might arrive.
The office told us that as far as they knew, installations were generally done between 8AM and 1Pm. But no one showed up by 1PM. We waited awhile longer, and then called Wind Hellas customer service number and we were told that we would “definitely have service by the end of the day, and if not, Tuesday for sure.” The “for sure” was adamantly spoken.
But that evening, we received another text message, advising us that they would be here on another day of the week.
Again, Wind Hellas did not show up.
Wind Hellas Is Unresponsive
We filled in forms on their website, in which Wind Hellas promises to be in touch within 24 hours. No one got in touch.
We received yet another message about an appointment for a rep, and yet again, they did not show up!
Three times, three messages, three no-shows from Wind Hellas.
After the second no-show, we made the decision to cancel with them. It had now been the full two weeks after the promise made by their representative. We gave a cancellation notice both in their Nea Ionia office and to their customer service line, and subsequently made other arrangements with another company in Greece.
Finally, the following week, we spoke again with a real person with Wind Hellas, advised them once again that we had canceled, and that we were not interested in their services as they could not deliver when they said they would.
In all our years of doing business, while we realize sometimes mistakes can be made, we have never experienced this level of undependableness or unreliability in regard to appointments.
Last week, when we received a bill from Wind Hellas, we again went to their office in Nea Ionia, where we were told nothing could be done, but that we should call a special phone number that was recorded and explain our case. All that phone call resulted in was a request that we fill in yet another form on their website!
We filled in the form and were advised by their website that someone would be in touch within 24 hours.
Well, Wind Hellas is Wind Hellas – a history of nothing but unresponsiveness and they remained true to their business’ character. No response from them, for a week. It took us following up yet again to finally get another response which shows….
… Wind Hellas Business Practices Are Absurd
The response that we finally received was pathetic. They are insisting that even though we were promised one thing in person, and even though we canceled through every channel we could before they ever installed any service, and even though we waited for them for two full days, canceling our own plans we had on those days, we are still obliged to pay them!
Not only will we not be paying you, Wind Hellas, but we’ll also be canceling our mobile services with you as well. There are two mobile phone numbers that will be canceled within days.
We’re also warning others to stay away from you. You have been an utterly inept company to deal with and this is a caution to others who may think about dealing with you.
We are sure that there are many great Wind Hellas employees, but there is a lot of rot, disregard for peoples’ time, callousness, and management ineptitude as well.
European Union Regulations
I can see a couple of EU Regulations or policies in which Wind Hellas has transgressed – and while we do not like government regulation, we will use everything in our power to show this absurd telephone company that their policies are horrible and ought not to be tolerated by anyone. No one in the countries I know, specifically Canada, the USA, Ireland, and others would tolerate this behaviour.
At the very least, Wind Hellas is in breach of contract by not fulfilling the promises made to us by their Nea Ionia office representative. Further, any company that fails to show up for their own appointments – the appointments that THEY set, and expect there not to be repercussions in cancellations, is run by a management who’s education has been sadly neglected in the business of goodwill and customer service.